Baser love

Some of what we are is derived from a baser instinct where we plunge into love and cover our eyes when it gets too intense…


I blink,

I think?

I ran home to love

And set the house on fire,

but still I was safe…


That’s the look of love,

The simple dish cover

Of the ocean’s breeze

And I couldn’t say no – If I tried…


I hate writing about

What love I don’t have…

It makes me want it

Far more than my next hug,

And I do so love hugs.

It makes me want it

Far more than I am jealous,

And I am so jealous of the woman

My love’s passing time with

When he should be out

Looking for me.


Daphney Em



Dice Roll

Come on homey,

roll the dice…

See tomorrow catch aflame

with potential and just

Roll the dice.

It’s easy, look a map in the eye

and see the world in your sights.


The dreams and fetishes,

the colour coordinated racism

and of course the bleak news.

Cover the lands with your vision

and lay to waste nothing so simple

as a potential flame.

So roll the dice.


Hear the rhythm of the world

and dance to it.

Fit it the right shoes

and begin to understand.

Undertake no goals

if you’re a coward

and stay a dead sea

if you’re a dedicated mess.

So damn drawn by the dark

you’d rather be it.


Put a face to a dream

and the angst gets cut –

to a minimum…

Fear the world

and see yourself stand aside it

and live grey…

Put a rose to a stream

and the light gets honoured –

presence is appreciated.

Optimise yourself

and see yourself

roll the frreaking dice.


Daphney Em Molapo


I banished my heart

To the recesses of my mind

Got my soul to play tag

With my religion

And boy oh boy did I 

Get to laugh like everything 

Was in place.
You ever got to write 

“Etc” on a script?

It’s like that;

The way my own self is

Moving, being and living. 

There’s more to me – I know.

But I had to banish my heart

To the recesses of my mind. 

Just to keep a mild lid on things 

Just me.

Things quite me.

Daphney Em Molapo 



Cluster fuck

I am a train wreck
Of industrial proportions.
I lean on nothing and everything
All at once…
My shadow is light grey
And my mind lost it’s
Register so pretty much
Every thing is a scale of empty.

I am a forest of emotions
And cluster of vines
And a blink of twinkling
I am aware of gravity
Yet it seems to operate
On everything but me
I am unsteady – I know this.
I am afloat – I see this.
The ground refuses to
Magnetise my feet and
Order me to stand – I feel that.

I am a cold image
Of air and light.
It could be both good
and bad…
As I see it
I am afloat
And it isn’t by choice.
It would be better if I’d
Jumped down from a plane
Knowing the ground
Would inadvertently receive me.

Daphney Em Molapo

Mind’s beauty

And my thoughts will center,
Gather at the foot of the water
And become the driving force
To my reign.
My crown, black as the night,
Will shake in the wind
But remain my bijou –
My jewel among diamonds.
I will seed in the sand
A plant with a shadow
of true calm.
And the strings of my heart
Will pull with the wave force
Of waters kin to war.
And my thoughts will centre,
Gather at the foot of the water.

Daphney Em Molapo

I don’t feel

I don’t feel happy, I don’t feel sad

I don’t feel ecstasy & I don’t  feel fury.
To be exact;  I  don’t feel 
To be right; it’s numbness 
To be clear , the world is grey
Rightly so, because I miss you 
And that is not how I painted the town; at least,  I don’t think. 

Daphney Em Molapo 






I have never spoken

longer than 5 minutes –

on stage that is.

off it, I will conquer you

with words, convince you to

buy new eyes – even when

there’s nothing wrong with yours.


I have never spoken

longer than 5 minutes –

on stage that is.

off it, I will strip you

of your falsehood using words.

nothing so outright persuasive

as the truth in your hair.

The tangles of it will

wind themselves around my wrist

and I will risk a brush through it

until I have seen into your heart

for your mind is another craze

I couldn’t fit onto a page.


I have never spoken

longer than 5 minutes –

on stage that is.

off it, I am too insane

to never speak.


Daphney Em Molapo



My foe’s blood

I painted in my foe’s blood 

Made for magnificent Red.
It’s messed up – I know
But in all fairness I’d announced
My intent to rise again,
It really should have been plain
To him that I’ll be chasing
Him with an axe soon enough.

I painted in my foe’s blood
It made for an interesting red.
The canvas lit up on fire
At the intensity of my rage.
My next stance I took dire
Air in my lungs and held my
Ribcage close to my back
Despite the pain of press.

I painted with my foe’s blood
It made for a device spell.
I cast it right before the veil
Fell and my true thoughts
Revealed the similarities
To sleeping beauty’s apple.
I’m the wicket witch in crown
And fully aware of the potential
To age out of fairness.
Though I do protest,
I am aware of time’s passing
And I am hopeful of a glint
Of change right before my sire
Tries to avenge his lost innocence.

Daphney Em Molapo


The last century has been a mess,

My name, friend, is calm,

It’s chaos and the bridge

To insanity  all at once. 
The last months have been a cluster-fuck

Of feelings originating in the 

Krypt of an Egyptian mummy

– held together by wraps of

Punishment or something. 

It is a wagon of wheels and a mess.
The last night has been a bit odd;

Closing in on me in ways

Only a witch could describe

For only the world would 

Break at the seams hearing it

All told.
The last breath

Was beautiful release – of sorts
Daphney Em Molapo


Singing L.O.V.E tell me what’s happening to me